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Region 4 Winners and Losers

Region 4 Winners and Losers

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Title Best
Convoy (1978)R4

    There are two versions of this film released in Region 1. One is from Triumph Marketing, and I can find out little about it. The other is from Cheezy Flicks Entertainment (there's an ominous name!), and reports are that it's a shockingly bad transfer (yup, worse than this one), despite claims of digital remastering. There is supposed to be a new version coming, but there seems to be little information available about it, either.

    The UK version has three minutes of cuts, resulting in a running time of 103 minutes. Given that the Region 4 disc runs 106 minutes, the signs are that it's uncut.

    Despite the fairly poor transfer, it looks like the Region 4 is the best of a bad lot.