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Region 4 Winners and Losers

Region 4 Winners and Losers

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Title Best
Far from HeavenR1
    Compared to the Region 1 release of this DVD, the only thing the Region 4 release misses out on is a dts 5.1 channel audio track option, in addition to the Dolby Digital 5.1 track. We do not miss out on any extras. As this film is a relatively sedate, dialogue-driven feature which is already amply served by the Dolby Digital 5.1 track, I would not rate the lack of the dts audio as anything really to cry about. I would call these releases relatively even in this particular case, and personally would prefer to stick with the Region 4 for its superior PAL resolution.

    This film has not been released in Region 2 yet and I cannot find any scheduled release date.